A new study has shown that the substance ellagitannin found in pomegranates, as well as in strawberries, berries, and nuts—especially walnuts—has the ability to resist colon and rectal cancer by enhancing immunity. Dr. Dominik Dink, the lead researcher in the study from Frankfurt University Hospital in Germany, stated, "The results we have obtained are particularly exciting because the focus is not on the cancer cell, but rather on the immune system and the natural defense against cancer." According to "Medical News Today," laboratory research from the study indicated that the digestion of pomegranate stimulates the breakdown and collapse of old or unnecessary "cellular forces" known as mitochondria. This, in turn, encourages the creation of new mitochondria and slows down aging diseases. The results noted, "This study provides additional evidence that a good diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in numerous nutrients, is not only beneficial for general health and longevity but also has the potential to reduce infections and the risk of cancer."