
The Benefits of Border Demarcation for Gas Extraction

The Benefits of Border Demarcation for Gas Extraction

Financial and banking sources informed "Al-Markaziya" that the issue of maritime border demarcation for gas extraction is expected to have positive effects on improving the national economy and returning it to its usual economic cycle, regardless of the thorny issues that still hinder this economy's revival, particularly concerning the restructuring of the banking sector and how to address the issue of deposits in Lebanese banks.

These sources consider that the demarcation creates a kind of stability that can attract foreign companies to invest in exploration and production operations in the remaining blocks, which number ten. This will create a form of oil activity in Lebanon's exclusive economic zone, and as a result of this activity, there will be discoveries, hoping that most of them will be commercially viable so that oil and gas can serve as leverage for the economy. The movement of investment will not remain confined to the oil sector but will extend to other sectors, including tourism, services, and the knowledge economy, which will provide a large number of jobs.

They assert that Lebanon's credit rating will improve in light of this and will rise to better levels. If the International Monetary Fund is the main channel for Lebanon to access financial funds and the international financial community to secure loans for economic recovery, then Lebanon's recognition as an oil state will facilitate granting these loans, considering that it is expected to become financially solvent despite the financial gap it is currently facing. The sources are not surprised by the unchanged dollar exchange rate, as what is needed today is to start implementing reforms and establishing a sovereign fund for gas extraction, away from political quotas, corruption, and clientelism.

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