
Title: Lebanon: Temperatures Above 45 Next Week

Title: Lebanon: Temperatures Above 45 Next Week

The General Director of the Agricultural Research Institute in Lebanon, Michel Afram, announced that based on upcoming climatic data for Lebanon, the current extreme heatwave will continue, posing ongoing fire risks and intensifying the heat.

Afram stated that next week, coinciding with the first week of August, temperatures will reach 45 degrees or possibly higher, with persistent winds that contribute to the intensification and rapid spread of fires.

He emphasized that Lebanon is not prepared to handle even the smallest fires, adding, "What is happening today in Greece and other countries is due to the indifference of some citizens towards warnings about fire hazards, in addition to the negligence of citizens regarding the heat's impact on their health."

Afram urged the government to declare a state of emergency in Lebanon starting Sunday next week, with the potential for extending the emergency status based on weather conditions.

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