
About the Christians of Iraq: What Did Muqtada al-Sadr Say?

About the Christians of Iraq: What Did Muqtada al-Sadr Say?

On Thursday, the leader of the Shiite Sadrist Movement in Iraq, Muqtada al-Sadr, issued a statement in light of the upcoming New Year, highlighting the "oppressed Christians" in Iraq. In the statement published on his page on the "X" platform, al-Sadr said: "Here we are on the eve of the New Year... and we cannot extend our congratulations to our beloved oppressed Christians in our beloved Iraq after what has befallen them from injustice and suffering for a long time due to ISIS, and today for other reasons as well!"

He continued: "Thus, I ask God to grant them safety under the obedience to God and the love of the homeland and to lift the oppression from them in a free Iraq without dependency or corruption... for God does not love corruption."

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