
Title: Arrest of 4 Individuals in Several Areas for Various Crimes

Title: Arrest of 4 Individuals in Several Areas for Various Crimes

The army leadership announced that "on January 23, 2024, a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate arrested citizens (A.A.) and (A.A.) in the Kfarhbab area – Mount Lebanon for committing theft and fraud, and for having arrest warrants against them for crimes including theft, drug trafficking, and issuing bad checks. A quantity of stolen goods was seized in their possession." Additionally, another patrol from the Directorate arrested Syrian individuals (S.A.) and (A.M.) in the Sabtieh and Jdeideh areas for drug use and trafficking, possession of drugs, managing a trafficking network, and wandering without legal documents. A military weapon was also seized from them. The confiscated items have been handed over and investigations have begun with the arrested individuals under the supervision of the relevant judiciary.

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