
Message from Congressional Members to Blinken Regarding Lebanon: What Did It Say?

Message from Congressional Members to Blinken Regarding Lebanon: What Did It Say?

In a notable initiative reflecting American interest in Lebanon, five members of the U.S. Congress from the American-Lebanese Friendship Committee—Darrell Issa, Darin LaHood, Debbie Dingell, David Joyce, and Daniel Kildee—sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the 19th of this month. They urged him to exert all necessary efforts to ensure the timely election of a President for Lebanon, a leader who will achieve the stability, independence, and sovereignty of Lebanon and prevent its transformation into a failed state.

The letter, of which a copy was obtained by the central agency, states: "We write to you, Mr. Blinken, to express our ongoing concern for Lebanon and its people, who are facing a severe economic crisis and political ambiguity. To this moment, the Lebanese Parliament has failed to elect a new President at a time when Lebanon is experiencing a 60% economic contraction; the national currency has lost 90% of its value, and 80% of the Lebanese people live in poverty."

The letter continues: "The stakes in the region are high. Long-term stability in the Middle East depends on Lebanon remaining stable, sovereign, and independent to regain international trust and economic stability. Therefore, any new vacancy in the Lebanese presidency will exacerbate the situation, so we ask the administration to encourage leaders in the Lebanese Parliament to cooperate in electing a new President, as Lebanon is at a critical stage, and exceptional action is required."

The letter adds: "All necessary diplomatic efforts are also required to form a government freed from corruption, a democratic government, and that constitutional institutions must work to serve the interests of the Lebanese people exclusively."

The congressional members concluded the letter: "We cannot allow Lebanon to become a failed state, and we appreciate the United States' interest in this matter, as well as the support from the Lebanese people."

It was learned that the Lebanese-American Coordination Committee has made significant efforts in collaboration with the signing members in this context.

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