
Jordanian King: The New Cybercrime Law Will Not Affect Jordanians' Rights

Jordanian King: The New Cybercrime Law Will Not Affect Jordanians' Rights

Jordanian King Abdullah II confirmed that the new cybercrime law will not infringe on the rights of Jordanians to express their opinions or their right to criticize public policies.

During his meeting with the Chairman and members of the Board of Trustees of the National Center for Human Rights and the head of the journalists' syndicate at Al-Husseiniya Palace, he stated: "The implementation of the cybercrime law will be the decisive factor in judging it and reviewing some of its clauses, in cooperation with everyone, as is the case with other legislations." He also pointed out that he has directed the government to review a draft law that guarantees the right to access information, ensuring that everyone has access to accurate information.

He emphasized that "his country is committed to political and media pluralism, and that it is far from abuse," noting that "the new draft law will contribute to providing everyone with quick and reliable information, which will help respond to rumors and false news."

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