Russian dentist Ilya Sklyarov announced that the most harmful toothbrushes are those with natural bristles, hard bristles, and varying levels. In an interview with Gazeta.Ru, the doctor points out that "no matter how strange it may seem, not everything that is natural is equally beneficial. For example, in the case of toothbrushes, a large amount of bacteria accumulates on the natural bristles used in their production. Additionally, cleaning these natural bristle brushes of bacteria is not easy. Moreover, these brushes wear out quickly, and the bristles fall out, making them unusable."
Sklyarov advises choosing a toothbrush with synthetic bristles, taking its size into account. It should neither be too small nor too large. The bristles should not be spaced apart, as this reduces effectiveness in cleaning teeth, nor should they be hard, in order not to harm the gums and tooth enamel. The doctor emphasizes that the bristles of a toothbrush should be of a uniform level and not of varying heights. He states, "For a long time, manufacturers of oral hygiene products have produced many different types of brushes with bristles of various heights, justifying this by claiming that these bristles clean hard-to-reach areas better. However, it turns out that smooth and thick bristles can clean all surfaces of the teeth effectively. Because in this case, all the bristles participate in the tooth-brushing process."