
Missile Attack on U.S. Base in the Largest Gas Field in Eastern Syria

Missile Attack on U.S. Base in the Largest Gas Field in Eastern Syria

Unknown assailants carried out a missile attack on the U.S. military base at the "Koniko" natural gas field. Local sources informed "Sputnik" that "the sound of a series of explosions was heard throughout the surrounding villages and towns near the Koniko natural gas field in the northern countryside of the province, resulting from the missile bombardment that targeted the military base used by the U.S. military in the field." They confirmed that "three missiles were launched by unknown individuals this morning at the U.S. military inside its illegitimate base, hitting their targets."

Immediately following the explosions, the area around the U.S. base at the Koniko field witnessed high alert among American forces and their allied fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Simultaneously, the U.S. military deployed reconnaissance aircraft over the Koniko base and its surroundings.

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