
Hemyat: Our Concern is Ensuring Traffic Safety and Preventing Soil Erosion

Hemyat: Our Concern is Ensuring Traffic Safety and Preventing Soil Erosion

Minister of Public Works and Transport in the caretaker government, Ali Hemyat, inspected the site of a soil collapse in Dhahr al-Baydar and assessed the condition of the international road. He stated: "The Ministry of Public Works and the specialized teams addressed the issue swiftly yesterday; it was evident that there was soil slippage because the contractor working on paving the Arab highway excavated the road without proper support. Clearly, the large amount of rainfall caused the soil to become loose and eroded."

He noted, "Starting today, we have begun efforts to address this issue because our primary concern is ensuring traffic safety for citizens and working to prevent further soil erosion. Therefore, we must gather all water flows into one channel, and we have directed the initiation of reinforcement at the accident site to prevent further slides, as Dhahr al-Baydar road is crucial and vital in the country. We have started this as an emergency and relief situation that needs immediate attention."

He added, "Thus, we have commenced work on what is urgent and necessary since yesterday and continue today. Work that requires time and is not urgent will be carried out in the upcoming spring, and there is also an area of concern in Baarg that we will address soon."

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