
Title: Bouhabib: To Stop War Funding and Give Diplomatic Solutions a Chance

Title: Bouhabib: To Stop War Funding and Give Diplomatic Solutions a Chance

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants in the caretaker government, Abdullah Bouhabib, stated during his meeting with Swedish Ambassador Ann Dismorr and EU Ambassador Sandra De Wall, that "we continue our efforts aimed at containing the escalation, and we welcome all initiatives in this regard." He added, "We warn, and we have warned before, that the key to stability in Lebanon and the region lies in comprehensive and sustainable solutions, in accordance with international resolutions and international law, to emerge from the tunnel of this crisis and this aggression." He continued, "Funding for war in the Middle East must stop, and diplomatic solutions should be given a chance today rather than tomorrow." He pointed out that "funding for UNRWA is in Lebanon's interest and the stability of the region."

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