Thousands in Australia Join Pro-Palestinian March

Thousands participated in a pro-Palestinian march in Sydney, Australia's largest city, today, Saturday, as they received last-minute approval amid concerns after some demonstrators at a previous march chanted anti-Jewish slogans. The Palestinian Action Group, which organized the march, stated that around 15,000 took part, with protesters chanting "Palestine will never die" and waving Palestinian flags. The police, including officers on horseback, patrolled during the demonstration, which closed down city streets, and a police helicopter also flew over the area. The police reported that there were no arrests, and Palestinian Action Group spokesperson Amal Nasser stated that the march was peaceful. The co-chair of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, Alex Ryvkin, the largest Jewish community group in Australia, said that the Sydney march "incites further hatred in Australia" and causes a rift in the "fragile social cohesion." Protesters around the world yesterday, Friday, called for a halt to Israeli bombing of Gaza.

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