Trump Describes the United States as a

Former U.S. President Donald Trump criticized the immigration policies of the current president, Joe Biden, claiming they have turned the United States into a "garbage dump." In response to the potential announcement of Biden's intention to run for president in 2024, Trump stated, "During my administration, we had the safest borders in U.S. history. Under Biden, the southern border has been dismantled, and millions of illegal immigrants have entered our country, many of whom are extremely dangerous. Our cities have become like a garbage dump, filled with homeless individuals, drug addicts, and violent criminals."

He emphasized that the Biden presidency has witnessed the highest inflation in half a century and has been marked by a disaster in Afghanistan. Trump argued that "the world is on the brink of World War III due to Biden's policies." It is well known that Trump promised during his 2016 campaign to stop the flow of illegal immigrants and to deport those who had entered the United States. Upon taking office, he directed the construction of a wall along the border with Mexico.

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