
Title: Sherine Abdel Wahab Referred to Misdemeanor Court for Defaming Producer Mohamed Al-Shaar

Title: Sherine Abdel Wahab Referred to Misdemeanor Court for Defaming Producer Mohamed Al-Shaar

Investigating authorities have decided to refer artist Sherine Abdel Wahab to the Sheikh Zayed Misdemeanor Court on charges of defaming and insulting producer Mohamed Al-Shaar. The Cybercrime Investigation unit of the Ministry of Interior received a complaint from the famous producer Mohamed Al-Shaar, accusing Sherine of verbally assaulting and defaming him without justification during a recorded press conference, which was posted on social media. Authorities have ordered Sherine to appear before the Sheikh Zayed Misdemeanor Court on Saturday, February 3rd, to consider the criminal case. The singer Sherine Abdel Wahab recently appeared on stage at the Bakar Al-Shadi theater during the Joy Awards ceremony, where she performed a medley of her most famous songs, including: "Wal Amri Gatlak," "Ana La Jayya Aقولك," "Ana Mish Mabainalah," "Ana Mish Betaa Al-Kalam Da," "Kalam Aayinak," and "Ah Ya Leil."

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