The startup company "Anthropic," backed by Google and Amazon, has announced the third series of artificial intelligence models known as (Claude) in the latest rounds of competition in Silicon Valley to release more efficient technology. The startup indicated that the chatbot (Claude 3 Opus), the most advanced version in the series, outperforms its competitors in many benchmark tests, namely (Chat GPT 4.0) developed by OpenAI and "Gemini" from Google.
In an interview, the company's CEO Dario Amodei mentioned that this is the Rolls Royce of models (referring to the luxury and high-performance car brand), at least for now. On the other hand, Daniela Amodei, head of "Anthropic," stated that customers would choose the new series despite the high price if they needed to carry out more complex cognitive tasks, such as accurately handling complicated financial analysis.
The company confirmed that the "Opus" release within the third series will cost $15 per million data units, while the cost of less capable models will decrease by at least five times for handling the same amount of data.