
Supreme Judiciary Comments: No Delay or Negligence Despite Assaults and Pressures

Supreme Judiciary Comments: No Delay or Negligence Despite Assaults and Pressures

The Supreme Judiciary Council issued a statement today regarding "what has been said in various speeches, positions, and media and social media concerning the crime that occurred in the Al-Qurna Al-Sudra area, which led to the death of Mr. Haitham Tawk and Mr. Malik Tawk." They expressed their condolences to the families of the deceased and the residents of the Bsharri area, clarifying that "several judicial decisions were issued by the urgent matters judge in Bsharri and the real estate judge in the North Lebanon governorate concerning the disputed real estate area, which have been communicated to the parties and official references. These decisions have also been enforced on the ground. Furthermore, following the aforementioned crime, the primary investigating judge in the north promptly went to the crime scene to carry out the necessary investigations, which are ongoing, to identify the perpetrators and determine their responsibilities."

The statement continued: "Based on this, there is absolutely no delay or negligence attributable to the judiciary and judges, who have performed and continue to perform their duties despite the assaults and all the pressures and threats they face, reaffirming that the judiciary remains the only authority relied upon to achieve justice and uncover the truth."

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