
Clashes Between Armed Groups in the Libyan Capital

Clashes Between Armed Groups in the Libyan Capital

Clashes erupted between armed groups in Tripoli, a scene that recurs from time to time among competing armed factions in the Libyan capital. The fighting broke out unexpectedly and lasted for about an hour, with no information on the reasons or whether there were any casualties. The clashes were recorded in areas in the downtown capital that were crowded with residents celebrating the second day of Eid al-Fitr.

A heavy exchange of gunfire occurred specifically between forces known as the "Judicial Police" and elements of the "Stability Support Authority." According to local media, these clashes followed the arrest of a member of the State Security apparatus at a "Judicial Police" checkpoint, which subsequently led to the arrest of members of the Deterrence Force.

Explosions were heard throughout Tripoli, followed by heavy gunfire from automatic weapons. Families with children were forced to flee from parks and cafes in eastern and southern Tripoli, including the airport road, the railway road in the heart of Tripoli, and shopping streets in Jirba and Noufilyan. The ambulance and emergency service of the Ministry of Health urged residents to stay away from areas of tension.

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