Lavrov Calls for Palestinian Unity in Moscow Talks

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov urged Palestinian factions holding talks in Moscow regarding the formation of a unity government to set aside their differences and unite for the sake of the Palestinian people. Addressing the Palestinian delegations, Lavrov stated that "Moscow has long supported direct talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, but these have not occurred for reasons beyond its control." He added that "one of the justifications for delaying and rescheduling these negotiations is the lack of unity among Palestinians. Skeptics claim that it is impossible to negotiate in the absence of unity among those who speak on behalf of the Palestinians."

He continued, "Jesus Christ was born in Palestine. One of his sayings is 'A city or a house divided against itself cannot stand.' Christ is revered by both Muslims and Christians. I believe this saying reflects the necessity for Palestinians to unite among themselves." He emphasized that "this matter depends only on the Palestinians themselves." Lavrov confirmed that the Russian Foreign Ministry and Russian specialists on Middle Eastern affairs are ready to offer assistance and advice to the delegations. The talks between representatives of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Fatah come days after the resignation of Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh.

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