
Tunisia: Dog Bites 4 Students at Primary School

Tunisia: Dog Bites 4 Students at Primary School

Four students aged between 12 and 13 years were bitten by a dog that entered the boys' middle school in Douar Hicher, Manouba Governorate (northern Tunisia). The Tunisian official news agency reported that civil protection agents provided first aid to the students and transferred them to the Pasteur Institute in the capital after the dog bite incident.

Sondos Noueiwi, spokesperson for the Manouba First Instance Court, stated that the public prosecutor's office had ordered an investigation on Wednesday evening into bodily harm caused to others due to a citizen's dog biting four students after it infiltrated the school.

Noueiwi added that after the National Guard center at Hay El Shabab responded to the incident, it was found that the dog had escaped from its owner's home, who is known in the neighboring area for breeding dogs. The dog then entered the yard and attacked the students, biting four of them.

The official agency reported from a security source that investigations revealed the dog's owner has a criminal record and is wanted by the authorities, having fled the scene. A new search warrant was issued for him on charges of "neglecting a dangerous animal that caused bodily harm to others."

In a related context, the same source indicated that the National Guard and municipal guard have commenced a campaign to capture stray dogs in the vicinity of educational institutions and neighborhoods, as part of a monthly culling program.

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