
Title: Due to a "Like": Ben Gvir's Party Collects Signatures to Oust Ahmad Tibi from the Knesset

Title: Due to a

The Israeli party "Otzma Yehudit" announced its intention to start a campaign to oust Arab Knesset member Ahmad Tibi after he liked a tweet on the platform "X" regarding the recent terrorist attack in Russia. Yitzhak Kruzer, the head of the party's faction in the Knesset, initiated the collection of signatures from members to begin the process of ousting Tibi, a member of the Joint List and the Arab Movement for Change. The rationale is that he liked a tweet that condemns ISIS for harming Muslims by targeting Russia, but the end of the tweet discusses the alleged involvement of Israeli and American intelligence in planning the "terrorist operation," which is seen as an accusation against Israel for being behind this terrorist act.

The far-right party, led by National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, plans to gather 70 signatures from Knesset members to carry out Tibi's ouster. For his part, Tibi expressed his stance on his personal account, clarifying that his like was an accidental mistake, noting that he did not pay attention to the bottom part of the tweet.

Tibi emphasized his strong opposition to ISIS, which he described as a monster mainly against Muslims, and took the opportunity to urge followers to focus on crimes and injustices rather than incitement and hatred. He also criticized the racists in the Knesset, stressing the need to remove provocative tweets and likes, such as "there are no innocents in Gaza" and calls to use nuclear weapons against Gaza. He affirmed the importance of focusing on achieving peace that everyone needs.

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