
New French Initiative... Will It End with a Presidential Settlement?

New French Initiative... Will It End with a Presidential Settlement?

A well-informed source has revealed that Paris has initiated a new movement distinct from previous efforts, aimed at breaking the sharp divisions among Lebanese factions regarding the presidential election and the identity of the president. The source told "Al-Diyar": "The French ambassador in Beirut, Anne Grillo, recently proposed a framework, and the substance of this movement revolves around discussions with Lebanese officials and leaders, primarily including Berri and Jumblatt."

The source denied that the focus of this initiative is on a settlement that would see Sleiman Frangieh elected as president in exchange for bringing in Nawaf Salam as prime minister, clarifying that they have no information pertaining to specific names or any such trade. However, what is known so far is that there is an attempt to facilitate an agreement on the president and the prime minister within a framework resembling a settlement.

The source stated that the French are the most flexible international party working to find solutions to the ongoing crisis. They are not rigid in their stance regarding the ideas proposed for the presidential election, do not cling to any particular name, and do not impose a veto on anyone. They emphasized that the new French initiative focuses on breaking the existing sharp political alignments regarding this issue and finding a comprehensive solution that considers the election of a new president and the formation of a legitimate government, which also has a leader trusted and agreed upon by the factions. The source noted that the ambassador is continuing her efforts, and that "this French movement has primary support from Egypt."

In contrast, a prominent party source told "Al-Diyar" that while we read and hear about proposals and positions in this regard, what is confirmed so far is that things remain stagnant, and no serious settlement has been proposed to the political leaders or parties. They added, "For days, the French ambassador has been visiting officials, leaders, and political figures, but so far, nothing decisive has emerged, and one cannot talk about an existing settlement."

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