
Title: Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Former Kuwaiti Defense Minister Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah

Title: Seven-Year Prison Sentence for Former Kuwaiti Defense Minister Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah

The Kuwaiti Court of Cassation ruled today, Sunday, to imprison former Defense Minister Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah for seven years with hard labor on charges related to the misuse of military fund assets. The court refrained from imposing a sentence on former Prime Minister Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah, ordering him instead to repay financial amounts in relation to the same charges of misusing military fund assets. Both men denied the allegations against them. Sheikh Jaber resigned in 2019 from the prime ministership, a position he held since 2011, after deputies sought to withdraw confidence from Sheikh Khaled, who was the Minister of Interior at that time. The then Minister of Defense, Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad, issued a statement two days after the government's resignation, stating that the government resigned to avoid facing allegations of mismanagement of the military fund, which amounts to about 240 million dinars (approximately 778.61 million dollars) before he took office. Sheikh Jaber and Sheikh Khaled were acquitted of charges of misusing the military fund in March 2022, but the case was reopened based on an appeal from the Kuwaiti prosecution.

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