Dani Alves, the former Barcelona star, promised that he would not flee from Spain if he is released on bail, as he awaits the outcome of his appeal against his conviction for rape. The court had sentenced Alves (40 years old) to 4 and a half years in prison for the rape of a young woman at a nightclub in Barcelona. The Barcelona national court also ruled that Alves must spend 5 years under supervision upon his release from prison, and he was ordered to pay a compensation of 150,000 euros to the victim, with a prohibition on contacting or approaching her for 9 and a half years.
On Tuesday, a hearing was held where Alves submitted a request for bail, which had been denied since the start of the case. Alves told the judge, "I believe in justice and I will not flee," pointing out that he owns property in Barcelona and confirming that he will not leave Spain if released, according to the Spanish newspaper "El País." The Brazilian star has spent 13 months in prison due to concerns that he might flee, as his country does not have an extradition policy with Spain. It should be noted that the maximum time Alves could spend in prison before resolving the appeal is 27 months.