
Title: "The Free Patriotic Movement: To Keep the Country as Neutral as Possible from the War"


The political council of the Free Patriotic Movement held its regular meeting today, Tuesday, under the presidency of MP Gibran Bassil. It discussed its agenda and issued the following statement: "Data indicates that the war in Gaza is long-term, as the head of the movement had anticipated from the beginning of the war. In light of this, the responsibility of the Lebanese to protect their country and keep it as neutral as possible from the war increases, and not to link its fate and the fate of constitutional entitlements, especially the presidency, to the ongoing war." The statement added: "The movement values the consensus among the Lebanese on confronting the dangers of the Syrian displacement and the international policies aimed at settling them in the countries they have fled to. The political council confirms the necessity of addressing the issue of Syrians present illegally on Lebanese territory through the implementation of practical measures in accordance with the applicable laws. The movement will have a clear position on this issue in the speech of its head before the Parliament tomorrow."

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