
Title: Killing of 8 Guards in Syrian Al-Mayadeen

Title: Killing of 8 Guards in Syrian Al-Mayadeen

Eight members of the "Syrian Revolutionary Guard," operating under the Iranian Revolutionary Guard militias, were killed following an attack by unknown gunmen on their headquarters near the city of Al-Mayadeen, eastern Deir ez-Zor, "the capital of Iranian militias in Syria." They were killed inside the headquarters by being stabbed. Military and security forces in the area were put on high alert, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, with increased security checks on citizens' identities at road intersections.

This attack is the second of its kind in less than 48 hours in the same region. A citizen in his fifties was shot dead due to random gunfire from National Defense militia members during the funeral of three Syrian militants belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the cemetery of Hatlah town in northern Deir ez-Zor. These three had been killed on Monday.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported yesterday the death of the three members, shot by gunmen after an attack on a military outpost on the outskirts of Al-Mayadeen "the capital of Iranian militias in eastern Syria," from the desert area. Their bodies were transported to a hospital, but it remains unclear who was behind their deaths. However, the local site "Nahr Media" reported that Mar'i Al-Hassan Al-Hamdoun died due to random gunfire from militia members during the funeral and burial of the three militants from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who were killed by ISIS members.

The militants are from the predominantly "Shiite" village of Hatlah, one of the seven villages east of the Euphrates in eastern Deir ez-Zor, which witnessed a massacre executed by extremist gunmen in 2013, claiming the lives of 60 people, most of whom were militants from the "Shiite" community. The bodies of the deceased were taken to a hospital without any knowledge of who was responsible for their deaths.

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