
Nutritional Mistakes That Increase Belly Fat: Avoid Them

Nutritional Mistakes That Increase Belly Fat: Avoid Them

In an Instagram video, Indian health commentator Shalini Sudhakar mentioned three nutritional mistakes that lead to fat gain.

1. **Unbalanced Meal**

When meals lack important elements like protein and fiber, the level of carbohydrates, which are largely composed of glucose, rises. This raises blood sugar levels, which in turn leads to fat accumulation.

2. **Cravings**

Along with the first mistake, when consuming an unhealthily unbalanced meal, cortisol levels in the body rise, driving a person to crave sweets or salty foods, resulting in a loss of self-control and excessive consumption of fatty foods.

3. **Insufficient Water Intake**

Not drinking enough water causes dehydration of cells, muscles, and tissues, increasing hunger levels, which leads to overeating to compensate for hunger, subsequently resulting in excess calorie intake stored as belly fat.

To counter these mistakes, the specialist suggested three ways to manage belly fat:

1. Consume a balanced meal with equal proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fibers, which will provide complete nutrition and promote a feeling of fullness.

2. Focus on protein and fiber in meals to prevent elevated cortisol levels, which lead to loss of self-control.

3. Ensure drinking 2.5 to 3 liters of water daily, the minimum for an adult.

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