
Warning of Increased "Fire Risk" in Upcoming Days

Warning of Increased

The Ministry of Environment issued a statement today, Thursday, warning that "forecasts indicate a significant increase in fire risk in Lebanon in the coming days, particularly in the areas of Miniyeh-Danniyeh and other parts of the North and Akkar governorates. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment urges everyone to exercise extreme caution and avoid using any source of fire near vegetation."

It also called on "municipalities, reserve committees, fire monitoring teams in the regions, and local and civil organizations to monitor any fire risks and engage in early detection to ensure the timely intervention of civil defense teams and first responders, which is essential for maintaining public safety and preventing the spread of fires in forested areas."

It concluded: For more details on fires across Lebanon, you can download the full fire bulletin from the National Early Warning Platform via the following link: https://ewsp.gov.lb/fire-forecast-bulletin/ or access the fire risk forecasts and their distribution across all Lebanese towns directly through the Fire Lab platform at the University of Balamand via the following link: https://firelab.balamand.edu.lb/FireLabWeb/FireDanger, and report any fire immediately at the number 125.

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