
Title: Stranding of Dozens of Whales on the Coast of Scotland

Title: Stranding of Dozens of Whales on the Coast of Scotland

Internet sites circulated videos showing more than 70 long-finned pilot whales stranding on the beaches of one of the islands off the northern coast of Scotland. Animal protection agencies indicated that 77 whales were stranded on a beach on an island in the Orkney archipelago off the northern coast of Scotland. Upon the arrival of rescuers, medical teams, and animal rescue organizations, it was determined that 65 whales had died, while the other 12 had little chance of survival.

Scientists note that whales can strand for various reasons; this can occur when they lose their way or when they find themselves trapped during tidal changes. Some experts suggest that groups of whales may sometimes strand on the shore and get stuck, and when other whales attempt to assist them, they encounter the same problem. Some media outlets pointed out that this incident is considered the largest of its kind on Scottish shores in recent years, and the cause is still unknown.

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