
Geagea: We Will Not Participate in Creating Constitutional Norms

Geagea: We Will Not Participate in Creating Constitutional Norms

A statement was issued today, Tuesday, by Samir Geagea, the head of the Lebanese Forces party: "Some say that there are 86 MPs ready to participate in an official dialogue table chaired by President Nabih Berri. If this is true, why don't they turn their words into action by sitting as they please around a table chaired by President Berri? However, what matters to us at the level of the Lebanese Forces and the opposition is the second phase concerning the invitation to an open session with consecutive rounds until the election of a president for the republic, because the first phase, for us, is unconstitutional.

There are ongoing discussions among us, which have led to agreeing on a primary candidate and a secondary candidate, and we are in open dialogue with most parliamentary blocs in pursuit of electing a president according to constitutional texts. This dialogue is ongoing, albeit far from grandstanding and pompous displays.

Under no circumstances will we accept being part of those who participate in creating constitutional norms by establishing an official dialogue table before the election of a president for the republic. We are in a constant dialogue with the other parliamentary blocs, and those who want a showy table for unconstitutional dialogue can go and participate in it, but the most important thing remains to invite President Berri to an open session with consecutive rounds until the election of a president for the republic.

If the constitution had been adhered to from the beginning, we would not have reached the current situation, as the conditions of our country and our people have deteriorated due to the ease with which the constitution has been violated and the adjustments made time and again to revolutionary norms against the constitution. It is no longer acceptable to continue this downward spiral that has turned the state into a nominal entity, the constitution into a matter of opinion, and the homeland into a battleground."

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