
Secrets of the Newspapers Issued on Saturday, March 18, 2023

Secrets of the Newspapers Issued on Saturday, March 18, 2023

**An-Nahar Newspaper**

- **Bar Association Takes Action to Dismiss a Lawyer**

The Bar Association took administrative action yesterday to dismiss one of its lawyers from its records after he exceeded the standards and roles defined by the profession. Therefore, he will not be able to practice law again unless he retracts his actions and submits a request for reinstatement.

- **No New Date for the Banks’ Association Meeting**

No new date has been set for the meeting of the Association of Banks in Lebanon to review the strike decision before the upcoming Monday.

- **Political Exchanges**

What occurred during a football match turned into political exchanges amid fears and campaigns that affect a prominent sports federation and the affiliations of some of its members to known political factions.

**Al-Binaa Newspaper**

- **Secrets**

A legal source stated that the pursuit of Governor Riad Salameh both domestically and internationally is a pre-planned act designed to reassure the Lebanese public of Salameh's innocence before the end of his term and to secure his exit with a clean slate, protected against any future prosecution after Salameh provides the necessary banking documents for the investigation.

- **Behind the Scenes**

A seasoned diplomat mentioned that the conditions set by President Bashar al-Assad to hold a summit with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan signify high sovereignty, enhancing his status and respect both domestically and internationally. This move poses a significant constraint on any Saudi and Egyptian normalization with Turkey.

**Al-Joumhouria Newspaper**

- A prominent political reference, despite criticisms of obstruction, is making efforts to untangle the presidential election stalemate and is expected to visit an Arab capital soon for this purpose.

- A political figure expressed discomfort with the information brought to him by an envoy from one of the references regarding a constitutional entitlement.

- An Arab diplomat predicted that positive developments for Lebanon could occur in the coming months.

**Al-Liwaa Newspaper**

- **Whispers**

There are reports that a political figure working abroad is promoting an economic figure who played a ministerial role and is associated with a major international monetary institution.

- **Hints**

It was noted that a deputy from a known bloc is engaged in negotiations and external communications, which is causing irritation to the concerned minister and other official and party entities.

- **Puzzle**

The "Shia duo" does not show enthusiasm for the first deputy governor of the central bank to assume his powers, thus resisting any steps that may lead to a vacuum before the end of the current governor's term.

**An-Nabaa Newspaper**

- There are rumors that some service providers for Electricité du Liban are collecting arrears in some areas based on the Sayrafa rate + 20%, while they are paying those arrears to Electricité du Liban based on the old tariff.

- It has been reported that an attempt by one of the candidates in the Russian capital to promote his name for the presidency, after being nominated by prominent forces, faced disappointment due to the Russian response indicating, "We will not interfere with names; we support whoever is agreed upon by the Lebanese."

- Some Maronite financiers attempted to include their names as presidential candidates in a list to be promoted in Bkerke, but the patriarchate halted the promotion of non-serious names and confined the discussion to those with real prospects.

**The Anbaa Newspaper**

*Capital Disagreement*

There is a disagreement among capitals concerned with Lebanon regarding the current situation and how to exit the ongoing crisis.

*Delays in Billing*

There is a significant delay in the billing process by Electricité du Liban, as it has not yet begun in some areas.

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