The "Gathering of Retired Military Personnel" held a comprehensive meeting that included, in addition to the gathering's officers, representatives of various military groups. The attendees presented "the optimal mechanism for decision-making within the gathering and the necessity for all groups to adhere to any decisions made." They decided to consider attendance as "the basis for decision-making within the gathering while keeping the door open to include other groups or individuals who were unable to participate in the meeting." It was also deemed that decisions issued by the gathering are binding for all retired military groups.
They emphasized "the commitment of all groups not to issue any statements, regardless of the naming of the group issuing them, and to strictly adhere to the statements issued by the leadership of the gathering." The gathering called on "retired military and civilian personnel, their families, the families of martyrs, living martyrs, and all Lebanese affected by governmental decisions related to salaries and wages, to prepare for a ground-shaking action at the first session of the Council of Ministers that does not have on its agenda a resolution regarding the status of salaries and wages according to the framework outlined by the legal platform, which has been communicated to the Prime Minister and circulated in the media." They requested the operational, logistical, and media committees to "immediately start working to ensure the success of field movements," reaffirming "full confidence in the communication committee of the gathering to convey the demands of retired military personnel to the authorities in parallel with the field movements."