
Favor Allah: What the Occupation Could Not Achieve in War, It Will Not Obtain in Politics

Favor Allah: What the Occupation Could Not Achieve in War, It Will Not Obtain in Politics

Member of the "Loyalty to the Resistance" bloc, MP Hassan Favor Allah, affirmed from the southern city of Bint Jbeil that "the resistance grows stronger when it sees the massive public presence for the Eid al-Adha prayers in the southern villages at the border with occupied Palestine." In a statement to "Al-Mayadeen" channel, he noted that "the people in the border villages and towns expressed their steadfast and resilient position by continuing this path for a sacred cause, demonstrating their solidarity with the Palestinian people through blood, and standing firmly beside them, both as a people and a resistance."

Favor Allah emphasized that "threats and intimidation are ineffective against the resistance, which does not weaken, cower, or fear and is ready to sacrifice and pay the prices." He addressed those conveying messages of threat and intimidation, saying: "Instead of transmitting messages from the occupation, pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the aggression on Gaza, so that the other fronts, including the southern front, may also cease."

He observed that "if the American administration wanted to stop this aggression, it could have done so from the very first day," stressing that it "is required to pressure Netanyahu." He reassured that "the balance is maintained, and that the qualitative operations revealed by the resistance are part of what has been undertaken, and there are always surprises." He also pointed out that "every Israeli aggression meets with an appropriate response, and what befalls the occupation is significant. When this war ends, the large scale of losses on the occupation side will be evident," asserting that "what the occupation could not achieve in war, it will not obtain in politics, and the resistance will not offer it any gift in Lebanon or Gaza."

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