
Announcement from the Forces: The Resistance Axis Prevents Presidential Elections

Announcement from the Forces: The Resistance Axis Prevents Presidential Elections

The media circle of the Lebanese Forces party directed a small and simple question to President Nabih Berri: "Shouldn't we agree on one or more candidates without an official dialog table? Mr. President, all previous experiences, including the current ones, confirm that actual agreements in all electoral processes have occurred away from the spotlight. Why this insistence on a formal dialog table, which is originally unconstitutional, as presidential elections are not conditioned by any official mechanism beforehand?"

The statement added, "In parallel, the Resistance axis continuously addresses those who reject consensus and agreement, knowing that we have not seen anyone in Lebanon opposing consensus and agreement. In fact, everyone strives for consensus and agreement except for the Resistance axis, which insists solely on its presidential candidate and rejects the open session of successive rounds, insisting instead on an unconstitutional dialog table. Therefore, the only group that does not accept dialog, consensus, and actual agreement is the Resistance axis, which insists on a formal and unconstitutional dialog table. This confirms that this group has no intention of electing a President of the Republic, but rather insists on further overturning the constitution. Those who want elections should open the doors for communication and options for a third candidate, and most importantly, open the parliament for an open session of successive rounds."

The circle continued, "As for those who again presume that the Maronites are the ones obstructing the election of the President of the Republic, we say: You can take whatever political stance you wish, but it is a disgrace, if you know the meaning of disgrace, to continuously distort the facts for known and revealed reasons. The ones who have obstructed the election of the President of the Republic are clearly evident before the media in the 12 sessions held, and they are the deputies of the Resistance axis who would exit immediately after the first round concluded. Moreover, an overwhelming majority of Christians have converged on a presidential candidate, and it is the Resistance axis that has prevented his election.”

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