
"Alcohol Addiction" Leaves Permanent Damage in the Body.. What Are They?

Individuals who consume alcohol are at risk of developing numerous health issues, including brain problems that lead to personality destruction. Dr. Alexander Oumonov, a lecturer in the Department of Basic Medical Disciplines at the Russian National Research Medical University, states: "The dangers of alcohol addiction lie in the destruction of a person's personality due to the death of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex, leading to a decline in cognitive abilities and memory, which reflects in performance deterioration. All pathological processes in the brain lead to encephalopathy, increasing agitation and aggressiveness."

Additionally, alcohol consumption damages the digestive system, burning the mucous membranes of the mouth, esophagus, and stomach, which increases the risk of cancer and the development of ulcers. Damage to the pancreas leads to pancreatitis and ultimately to necrosis of the organ. Alcohol also affects the heart and neuromuscular transmission, reducing skin sensitivity and causing it to become flabby. Kidney functions deteriorate as well. As for the liver, it begins to deteriorate; initially, its tissues are replaced with fatty tissues, which develop into scar tissue, indicating cirrhosis. He mentions: "The serious complications of cirrhosis include increased portal hypertension, characterized by excessive blood flow through the esophageal veins, causing them to dilate and rupture, leading to severe bleeding."

To overcome alcohol addiction, the doctor recommends limiting contact with those who continue to drink regularly and seeking engaging distractions, like a new hobby. Most importantly, there needs to be desire and strong willpower. He adds: "When giving up alcohol, the condition of all body parts gradually improves. The liver regains its state, and there are no injuries to the stomach, pancreas, or kidney issues. The cardiovascular system returns to normal functioning, and brain function improves as nerve pathways are restored, enhancing cognitive abilities."

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