
Beijing Responds to NATO and Accuses It of Returning to a Cold War Mentality

Beijing Responds to NATO and Accuses It of Returning to a Cold War Mentality

The Arabic website reported on the ongoing tension between NATO and Beijing, noting that after leaders of NATO countries expressed their "concerns about China's ambitions," which they considered a challenge to the foundations of the international system during the Brussels summit, Beijing responded by claiming that NATO is exaggerating and inflating issues regarding Chinese threats. It also accused NATO of acting with a Cold War mentality.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Chinese mission to the European Union urged NATO to "view China's growth rationally, stop exaggerating the theory of the Chinese threat, and refrain from using legitimate interests and legal rights of their countries as excuses to manipulate group policies." The mission further accused NATO of reverting to a "Cold War mentality" and seeking to "create confrontations artificially."

Additionally, the mission argued that the expression "challenges to the foundations of the international system," used by NATO leaders, "distorts the peaceful development" of a country that possesses nuclear warheads twenty times fewer than those held by NATO member states.

These Chinese remarks came after NATO leaders, at the conclusion of their summit in Brussels on Monday, expressed concerns about both Russia and China. They confirmed that "China's declared ambitions and ongoing behavior pose challenges to the rules-based international order in areas significant to the security of the alliance."

However, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg later attempted to downplay the final declaration of the summit, stating that "China is not our adversary or enemy, but we must address the challenges it poses to our security." Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that "Russia and China are seeking to sow discord among NATO members," but emphasized that the alliance is united and strong.

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