Arab World

Palestinian Killed by Israeli Army Fire in West Bank

Palestinian Killed by Israeli Army Fire in West Bank

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced on Saturday that a Palestinian was martyred by Israeli army fire in the town of Qusra, southeast of Nablus in the West Bank. The ministry stated in a statement, "Civil coordination informs the Ministry of Health of the martyrdom of the young man, Mohammed Farid Ali Hassan, 20 years old, by the bullets of the Israeli occupation army in the village of Qusra in Nablus governorate." There has been no comment yet from the Israeli army, which transported the young man in an ambulance before an official announcement of his death was made. Mohammed Khreish, the mayor of Qusra, told Reuters via phone that "a group of settlers, after the end of the Sabbath, attacked the town and began firing, while the Israeli occupation army was present." He added, "A young man was shot in the chest while standing on the roof of the house, and we do not know if the bullets were from the settlers or the army." Khreish explained that "the settlers who attacked the town, which is home to about 6,500 residents, came from the Yesh Kodesh settlement, located about two kilometers from the town."

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