
American Mother Removes Baby's Organs for Sorcery Practice

American Mother Removes Baby's Organs for Sorcery Practice

An American woman committed a horrific crime by stabbing her 8-year-old daughter dozens of times with a knife and removing the organs of her 10-month-old baby to perform magical rituals. The British newspaper "Daily Star" reported that 35-year-old Sarah Janowi removed the organs of her infant son, Zyl Howard, and stabbed her daughter 50 times while practicing sorcery at their home in Virginia. Police announced the immediate death of the infant, while his sister was taken to the hospital. In a statement, the police noted that "Janowi sent a message to her fiancé telling him not to be sad when he returned home and found them covered in blood." When the police arrived at the home, the murderous mother was found lying beside her butchered children on the bed, with blood everywhere in the room. She confessed to the police at the scene that she was responsible for what happened, leading to her arrest. A neighbor, Clay Connell, stated that Janowi was interested in sorcery and had told him she was working on it. The mother has been charged with second-degree murder, child abuse, and causing fatal injuries to the children.

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