
Title: Oil Tanker Owners Request Transfer of Shipments from Ashkelon to Haifa Due to Fighting

Title: Oil Tanker Owners Request Transfer of Shipments from Ashkelon to Haifa Due to Fighting

Sources in the shipping sector reported on Friday that at least two owners of tankers transporting crude oil to Israel have requested to reroute their shipments from Ashkelon to the Haifa port due to the ongoing fighting. It was noted that an industrial area near Ashkelon was hit by a rocket from Gaza on Tuesday, causing damage to a storage tank operated by a government company managing a network of fuel pipelines. Israel has two oil refineries: one operated by Paz Oil near Ashkelon with a capacity of 100,000 barrels per day, and the other managed by the Bazan Group near Haifa with a capacity of 200,000 barrels per day. The sources indicated that the tankers requesting the port change were carrying oil from the Black Sea region.

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