Arab World

Assad Ends Retention and Summoning of Reserve Officers, NCOs, and Reserve Personnel

Assad Ends Retention and Summoning of Reserve Officers, NCOs, and Reserve Personnel

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued an administrative order to end the retention and summoning of reserve officers, non-commissioned officers (NCOs), and reserve personnel effective from January 1, 2022. The order includes officers who have been under retention and serving in the reserve who have completed at least two years of actual reserve service by December 31, 2021. It also includes specialist medical doctors in the medical services administration who have completed at least two years of actual reserve service by the same date, and they will be discharged based on the possibility of waiving their services. According to the administrative order, the retention and summoning of NCOs and reserve personnel is terminated as of January 1, 2022, for those who have completed at least six and a half years of actual reserve service by December 31, 2021.

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