Arab World

Heightened Tension: Readiness Around Bashir Prison in Khartoum

Heightened Tension: Readiness Around Bashir Prison in Khartoum

Tensions have escalated in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, over the past few hours, particularly after protesters stormed the Ministry of Information building and the official news agency "SUNA" on Saturday evening. This prompted the Ministry of Information to condemn these actions, asserting in a statement on Sunday that “the incitement against the Public Authority for Radio and Television by remnants of the former regime and others is increasing.” The ministry called for an end to these unruly actions and urged security forces to fulfill their role in protecting governmental premises and institutions. Furthermore, it deemed these events as a clear targeting by certain groups aiming to disrupt the functioning of state institutions.

Simultaneously, there was a notable increase in security measures and military reinforcements around Kober Prison in Khartoum, where the deposed President Omar Bashir is held. According to local media reports, security forces also expanded the area of closures around the leadership's vicinity and deployed additional soldiers.

It is worth mentioning that the disputes between the civilian and military leaders sharing transitional power in the country since Bashir’s ousting in 2019 have intensified following the attempted military coup in September. Recently, a coalition of rebel groups and political parties that split from the Forces of Freedom and Change aligned with the military, which has accused civilian parties of mismanagement and monopolizing power, calling for the dissolution of the government led by Abdullah Hamdok. Additionally, a sit-in was organized last week, which continues in the vicinity of the presidential palace and the Cabinet headquarters in the capital.

In response to these movements, massive crowds of demonstrators, estimated in the hundreds of thousands, took to the streets of various areas in Khartoum and other cities last Thursday, protesting in support of the civilian government and rejecting military rule, with several ministers participating in these protests.

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