
Title: Man Strangles His Wife in Front of Their Seven Children

Title: Man Strangles His Wife in Front of Their Seven Children

The public prosecutor in Jordan has detained a man accused of strangling his wife for two weeks as part of an investigation into the charge of premeditated murder. Meanwhile, a juvenile court judge in Zarqa issued an order for the protection and care of their six children for one year in care centers affiliated with the Ministry of Social Development.

According to sources close to the investigation, the accused was serving a sentence in a rehabilitation center after being convicted of drug-related offenses. After his release and return to his residence, family disputes with his wife resurfaced, leading him to strangle her in front of their children. He then left her body in their home and took their seven children, including their teenage son, who is currently under investigation by the juvenile prosecutor for allegedly participating in the crime with his father against their mother.

The same sources revealed that after fleeing with the children, the accused did not report the crime, resulting in the victim's body remaining in the house for two days after her death until neighbors began to smell a foul odor emanating from the residence. This prompted them to notify the police, suspecting a death inside, according to Al-Ghad newspaper.

Later, the six children, four girls and two boys aged between two and a half and 12 years old, were admitted to care facilities for a year, where they will receive protection, care, and necessary psychological and social interventions due to the impact of witnessing the crime.

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