
Millionaire Withdraws Savings from Bank for Strange Reason

Millionaire Withdraws Savings from Bank for Strange Reason

An angry millionaire withdrew his savings and requested bank staff to count the cash after a security guard asked him to wear a mask as part of the measures against the COVID-19 pandemic. Media reports stated that the man, known as Sunwear on the Chinese social network Weibo, withdrew 5 million yuan (approximately £566,000) in cash from a branch of a bank in China. This amount is the maximum that can be withdrawn, but the millionaire said he plans to return every day until he withdraws all his savings, with employees counting it manually each time.

In a post on social media, the millionaire expressed his displeasure with the bank's service, although he did not specify what had happened. However, the bank insisted that the incident simply involved a security guard asking the man to wear a face mask. The wealthy man accused the bank's employees of "the worst service behavior" in their treatment of him, while boasting of having tens of millions in his account. He added, "Because of this incident, I can only withdraw all the money and put it in other banks."

After asking the employees for the large sum in cash, he said, "It was necessary to ask them to count the money." Photos of the millionaire carrying bundles of cash in bags and taking them to his luxury car widely circulated on Chinese social media. Reportedly, the man's online following increased dramatically by 1.7 million due to his post about the incident. He stated it took the bank staff two hours to complete the withdrawal and count the cash. The bank confirmed that none of its employees violated customer service guidelines. It remains unclear whether the man returned to withdraw the rest of his money after the initial incident.

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