Arab World

Israel's Attacks in Syria Continue Against Iran... With Russia's Approval

Israel's Attacks in Syria Continue Against Iran... With Russia's Approval

Under the title "Israel's Attacks in Syria Continue Against Iran... With Russia's Approval," Al Arabiya reported that Russia has apparently given Israel a blank check just a few days ago, allowing Israeli aircraft the freedom to carry out airstrikes on Iranian groups and militias in Syria. Israeli minister Ze'ev Elkin, who accompanied Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to Sochi on Friday for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, clarified that an agreement was reached to continue granting Israel the freedom to operate in Syrian airspace for its operations and to coordinate with Russia, alongside discussions on the Iranian nuclear file.

Also reported by Al Arabiya/Al Hadath's correspondent on Sunday, Israeli aerial maps of Syrian geography included locations of Iranian presence and its affiliated forces, which were presented during the meeting. Additionally, Bennett requested the reactivation of the de-escalation agreement in southern Syria to push Iranian presence 80 kilometers north of the occupied Golan Heights.

It is noted that Bennett met with Putin on Friday in Sochi, on the Black Sea, for their first discussions. Putin stated that the two countries have "unique" relations, expressing hope for the "continuity of the trust relationship" he built with the previous Israeli government. Meanwhile, Bennett confirmed to Putin that Israel considers him a "true friend of the Jewish people." He emphasized that they would talk about "the situation in Syria and Israel's efforts to prevent any breakthroughs in Iran's nuclear and military program."

It is worth mentioning that Israel has carried out hundreds of airstrikes targeting militias and Iranian positions in Syria for years, but it rarely announces them. However, many of its officials have repeatedly stated that they will not allow any Iranian threats near their northern border.

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