US Envoy to Iran Holds Quadruple Talks in Paris

US envoy for the Iranian nuclear file, Rob Malley, is set to arrive in Paris on Friday for quadruple talks involving the United States, France, Germany, and Britain. These discussions will focus on ways to resume negotiations with Tehran regarding its nuclear program, according to diplomatic sources on Thursday. A spokesperson for the US State Department stated that after consultations with regional partners, the special envoy will meet in Paris with his counterparts from the E3 countries, which are the three European nations involved in the Iranian nuclear file.

A French diplomatic source also noted that a representative of the European Union will participate in this meeting. Malley is visiting Paris after completing a Gulf tour that included Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The US envoy arrives in Paris following the expressed concerns of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi, who on Tuesday indicated his inability to meet with senior Iranian officials, contrary to an agreement reached on September 12 between the agency and the Islamic Republic.

On that date, the agency and Tehran reached a new compromise regarding the monitoring of Iran's nuclear program, reviving hopes for the resumption of talks in Vienna aimed at rescuing the 2015 nuclear deal. These discussions have been on hold since the election of hardliner Ibrahim Raisi as Iran's president in June. Additionally, the IAEA Director General expressed regret that UN inspectors have still not been able to access a workshop for the manufacture of centrifuge components at the TESA complex located in Karaj, near Tehran, which also contradicts the September 12 agreement.

The historic 2015 agreement, from which Washington unilaterally withdrew in 2018, stipulates the lifting of some international sanctions imposed on Iran in exchange for its commitment to significantly reduce its nuclear program and place it under UN oversight.

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