Arab World

Iran-Backed Agents Behind Attempted Assassination of Kazemi, Officials Say

Iran-Backed Agents Behind Attempted Assassination of Kazemi, Officials Say

Reuters reported that security officials and sources described as close to armed groups in Iraq stated that the attack targeting Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Kazemi on Sunday was carried out by an Iran-backed militia. The sources told Reuters that the drones and explosives used in the attack were of Iranian origin. A spokesperson for the Iran-backed militia declined to comment on the attack or the group responsible for it. Kazemi survived an assassination attempt involving three explosive-laden drones that targeted his home early Sunday morning. The Iraqi Prime Minister vowed to pursue those involved in the assassination attempt, stating that those implicated in the operation "are known and will be revealed." During an extraordinary session of the Iraqi Cabinet, Kazemi said that justice would also reach the killers of Colonel Nasr Ferman, an officer in the Iraqi National Intelligence Service, who was assassinated by militias last June. Kazemi stated during the session, "My house was attacked last night by directly targeted drones, and this cowardly act does not befit the brave and does not reflect the will of the Iraqis." He added, "Our country is facing many challenges, which are not recent nor the product of this government. We were able to dismantle and resolve economic and health crises, and we have overcome the collapse of oil prices and the erroneous policies of previous governments." The Iraqi official noted that there are those attempting to disrupt the country’s security and want it to be a state of gangs, adding, "We want to build a state."

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