
Title: Egyptian Prosecution Publishes Evidence of Famous YouTuber's Involvement in Harassment Case

Title: Egyptian Prosecution Publishes Evidence of Famous YouTuber's Involvement in Harassment Case

The Egyptian Public Prosecution revealed evidence from its investigations showing the involvement of a famous YouTuber in a harassment case involving victim Sama Mohamed Zaki, under the pretext of casting her for a movie to gain fame. A police officer from the Cyber Crime Unit stated in the newspaper "Al-Watan" that the victim received a message via WhatsApp from the YouTuber Ahmed Hassan, in which he incited her towards "debauchery," after announcing his need for a girl to play a leading role in a short film.

The officer mentioned that the YouTuber "proposed to her" and verbally harassed her, offering to meet in a villa in Sixth of October City, in addition to requesting private photos from her. The Public Prosecution listened to the victim's testimony, who confirmed that the accused "verbally harassed" her and "provoked her towards immorality and engaging in sinful relationships" in exchange for becoming famous by participating in the short film. The victim also stated that there are other girls who have fallen victim to him and are willing to come forward with their accounts of the incidents they experienced.

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