Victims: 400 Women - Man Impersonates Gynecologist

The police in the city of Bari, northern Italy, announced that they raided the home of a man suspected of impersonating a gynecologist to convince dozens of women to undergo examinations of sensitive areas via video. The operation led to the seizure of several phones and memory cards from the home of the Italian man in his forties, who was being monitored after complaints from numerous victims.

The suspect is believed to have contacted women who had undergone clinical medical examinations to inform them that they were suffering from infections in sensitive areas, according to a police statement. He then convinced them to conduct a women's examination online. The report noted that the suspect targeted more than "400 women from various parts of Italy."

A victim quoted by the newspaper "La Repubblica" stated that the man "introduced himself as a doctor. He was aware of my birth date and location and asked me if I had undergone a gynecological diagnosis in the past few months." She added, "He started delving deeper into personal questions (...) then asked me to make a video call via Zoom or Hangouts and requested that I show my intimate areas to confirm the diagnosis."

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