Arab World

Egyptian-French Agreement on Supporting the Political Process in Libya and the Withdrawal of Mercenaries

Egyptian-French Agreement on Supporting the Political Process in Libya and the Withdrawal of Mercenaries

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized on Monday the necessity of supporting the political process in Libya to reach the scheduled electoral entitlement, alongside the exit of all foreign forces and mercenaries from Libyan territory.

The Egyptian presidency stated in a communiqué that Sisi received a phone call from Macron "to discuss the preparations underway for Paris to host the international conference on Libya later this month." The statement highlighted "the agreement between the two presidents to support the existing political track, aiming for the desired electoral entitlement to take place on schedule at the end of next month, and the need for all foreign forces and mercenaries to leave Libyan territory, as well as to curb illegal foreign interventions that contribute to exacerbating the crisis."

The Egyptian presidency's statement also noted that the call "discussed ways to enhance frameworks of common cooperation between the two countries in various fields, especially economic and military, in addition to the activities of French companies in various developmental projects, particularly concerning localizing industry in Egypt."

Furthermore, the Egyptian presidency pointed out the "exchange of views between Sisi and Macron regarding developments in Sudan, where they agreed on the importance of addressing current challenges in a manner that achieves stability and security for the Sudanese people and preserves the democratic process of the current political situation, and thus the necessity for all Sudanese parties to prioritize the higher interest of the nation and national consensus."

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