
Unprecedented Incursion into Taiwan's Airspace: Chinese Messages for Domestic and International Audiences

Unprecedented Incursion into Taiwan's Airspace: Chinese Messages for Domestic and International Audiences

The flight of a fleet of Chinese Air Force fighter jets over Taiwan sends multiple signals to different parties, according to experts, despite Beijing's attempts to justify the action as an exercise of its sovereignty over the island. International security and East Asia expert Raymond Ko stated in an interview with "Fox" that Beijing is trying to convey a message to the world about its perspective on Taiwan, considering the island essential to its national security interests through its "provocative" fighter jet maneuvers.

Ko notes that amidst U.S.-China competition, the record number of fighter jets flying over Taiwan is a response to the island's alliance with Washington. The move also serves as a warning against military exercises conducted by the United States, the United Kingdom, and four other countries in the Eastern Philippine Sea.

Regarding neighboring countries, the expert mentions that many in the region, especially Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, view Taiwan as a test of U.S. commitment and Chinese resolve. By sending its fighter jets, Beijing aims to demonstrate its determination concerning its claims over the island.

Moreover, the expert affirms that Beijing is also sending signals domestically on the National Day of the Republic, attempting to emphasize its national qualifications regarding the reunification of China and addressing issues such as the Uyghur situation that concern the Chinese populace.

Taiwan continues to live under the constant threat of invasion from China, which considers the island part of its territory that must return, even by force if necessary. China has increased military, diplomatic, and economic pressures since Tsai Ing-wen was elected Taiwan's president in 2016, as she views the island as "already independent" and not part of a "one China."

Taiwan's government urged China to halt its "provocative and irresponsible actions" following the unprecedented breach of 56 Chinese fighter jets, including nuclear-capable H-6 bombers, into the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). The ADIZ is different from the airspace belonging to Taiwanese territories, but it encompasses a much larger area overlapping with part of China’s Air Defense Identification Zone, even including some parts of the Chinese mainland. Last year, Chinese military aircraft executed a record number of incursions into Taiwan's defense zone totaling 380, but they have conducted over 600 such operations from the beginning of the year to October.

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