Arab World

Title: Four Killed, Including a Syrian Regime Officer, in Daraa Countryside

Title: Four Killed, Including a Syrian Regime Officer, in Daraa Countryside

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported today, Wednesday, that four members of the regime forces, including a lieutenant, were killed, and two others were injured due to the targeting of a military vehicle with an explosive device planted along the road connecting the villages of Nafaa and Ain Dhakar in the western Daraa countryside. The observatory quoted sources confirming that regime forces arrived at the explosion site, transported the wounded, closed the road, and spread in the vicinity of Ain Dhakar village. According to the Syrian Observatory's statistics, the number of attacks and assassination attempts in Daraa and southern Syria has reached 1,137 since June 2019, through various methods of detonating explosives, mines, booby-trapped vehicles, and gunfire carried out by armed cells. During the same period, the number of those who were martyred and killed due to these attempts reached 778, including 222 civilians, among them 13 women and 22 children, as well as 359 from the regime forces and allied militants cooperating with security forces, 138 from factions' fighters who underwent "settlements and reconciliations," and thus joined the regime's security apparatus, including former leaders, 27 from Syrian militias linked to the Lebanese "Hezbollah" and Iranian forces, and 32 known as "the Fifth Corps."

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